Valuable: black cumin oil for pets and horses
There are countless studies on the health effects of black cumin oil. However, most of them were conducted on humans. And many studies have only been done in vitro or on rats and mice. Does that mean the results are not transferable to pets and horses? Not entirely. But practice alone has proven that dogs, horses, and rodents in particular can benefit enormously from black cumin oil.
Black cumin oil is used with guinea pigs and rabbits to strengthen their immune systems and treat nasal colds. The internal and external use of black cumin oil has also become common especially for dogs and horses. The reason for this was two sensational events. First, there was a valuable racing horse that suffered from asthma. Instead of cortisone, she was given black cumin oil and the asthma was completely cured. And then there was the student Alexander Betz, who in 2014 as part of “Jugend forscht” (a young scientists’ event) was able to prove in a study that black cumin oil works against ticks in dogs.
Black cumin oil as dietary supplement: great for animal health!
Most dog and horse owners who have fed their four-legged friends black cumin oil and/or applied it to their hair for a long time are convinced of this as a highly effective natural remedy. Black cumin oil can alleviate or even eliminate various ailments, including allergies, breathing problems, fungal infections, pain, inflammation, and epilepsy. Black cumin oil also supports the animals’ digestive tract. And both dogs and horses also benefit from a general strengthening of their immune systems.
Many medications that are prescribed by veterinarians can cause massive side effects. Long-term therapy with cortisone, for example, can significantly weaken the immune system. And this, in turn, usually massively increases their susceptibility to infection. In contrast, black cumin oil can enormously strengthen the immune system.
But what about those who say that black cumin oil is toxic to the liver? We say: essential oils are broken down by the liver. This means that animals with liver disease should never be administered black cumin oil. In addition, black cumin oil should never be fed to pregnant dogs. However, black cumin oil is usually a real boost to the health for all other dogs.
The dosage is actually very easy: Simply pour the black cumin onto the animal’s feed or drinking water. However, start with just one drop and gradually increase to the recommended dosage. On the one hand, many animals do not like the taste at first, and, on the other hand, their body needs time to get used to the active ingredients of black cumin.
Effective against ticks and other parasites
Ticks, fleas, mites, and lice are real nuisances for dogs and horses. Such parasites can also sometimes transmit dangerous diseases. Lyme disease, caused by ticks, is on the rise and can be fatal to your animal.
It has been proven that ticks do not like black cumin oil. They stay away from what they experience as an unpleasant smell. As a result, your dog or horse will be almost tick-free. The oil also has a preventive effect against fleas, mites, and lice. This makes black cumin oil a real alternative to conventional anti-parasite agents. Especially since these chemicals are usually not only toxic for the parasites, but also for your pet. Commercially available treatments, both external and internal, can cause side effects such as neurological disorders (e.g. tremors, cramps), skin reactions, and gastrointestinal problems.
By the way, the external application also ensures a wonderfully shiny and silky soft coat for both dogs and horses!
Black cumin oil: NEVER for cats!
Normally, the phenols and terpenes contained in essential oils are rapidly broken down by the liver in order to discharge them from the body. This is the case with humans as well as with dogs and horses, for example. In cats, however, this process takes an extremely long time, sometimes far too long. In other words, especially when used internally, black cumin oil can lead to liver failure in cats. Your kitty could die from this. Therefore, black cumin is NEVER to be used with cats!
Black cumin products: Quality is everything!
Black cumin is and remains a real natural product. Therefore, the quality of the ingredients can vary greatly depending on where and how it is cultivated. If you value the highest quality in your black cumin products, it is important to find a good source. And that is exactly what we at sasa med GmbH offer. We don’t just sell black cumin products, we produce them and that’s why we are located directly at the fields where it is grown. We don’t use any herbicides, pesticides, or other chemical agents. Neither on our conventional acreage nor on our certified organic fields. This is not just our promise: it is our guarantee.